Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Four New Paintings Finished

I've completed four paintings. See them to the right. I've got two city street at night scenes, a sunlit forest, and a scene along Route 10 near Deming, New Mexico. All were completed from photos.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Flatline Virus is a 4 Star Rating Zombie Novel !!!

Based on 29 reviews in the Apple iBookstore and the 3 reviews on Amazon, 'Flatline Virus', my first book (and first Zombie novel) is weight-rated four stars. It's a fast moving apocalyptic story that takes place in Italy, Baltimore, Texas, on planes, and in New Mexico, among other places. Hope you enjoy it!
Also, this blog is closing in on 5,000 page views (counted at the bottom of this page).

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Latest Sales Channel Results

Thus far through 2012, here are my latest sales channel results:

Apple 42%
Amazon 34%
Barnes & Noble 21%
Smashwords 1%
Sony 1%
Kobo 1%

Apple continues to lead the pack. I expect that to continue. Both Amazon and Apple are now making ebooks available in a number of countries around the world. I have had sales for English worded books of mine from Italy, France, England and Germany, although very few. It will be nice to see how India, Australia and New Zealand make a difference.

Apple's results are delayed somewhat just because they report up through my distributor, Smashwords. So, actually their percentage is higher than 42%. When the end of year results are available in the first quarter of 2013, I expect them to lead the rest, including Amazon, by a wider margin than seen above.

Link to Apple Bookstore

I've created a link to the Apple Bookstore for my first book, 'Flatline Virus', a zombie thriller. It's to the right of this entry, I've called it Apple Bookstore for some strange reason. If you don't have iTunes on your PC it won't show up, however. Apple is my biggest sales channel and has more and better ratings than Amazon. Check it out.