I've continually tweeted news about Wild Men and there has been interest. I believe there is some interest in the older stories. However, these stories are not all about Bigfoot. In fact, many of the 220 or so stories in the book relate to actual human beings that lived outdoors, alone mostly. Some did so of their own volition while others were just a little crazed. Sometimes it's tough to distinguish whether the newspaper or witnesses saw a man or beast. Hairy, bipedal, big, muscular, naked or mostly naked. These were descriptions of what they saw. Some looked ape-like, while others were not described as such. It's pretty clear that people did not know exactly what they were seeing. Sightings were often fleeting, in the shadows or darkness, obscured by trees or other vegetation.
The 1839 and 1829 stories from Minnesota (I first thought this happened in Wisconsin and had written it up under that state. It was changed within days after the first publication.) and Georgia were sufficient, if indeed true, to spark some excitement. The Minnesota story tells of the capture of a beast with two 'cubs', while the Georgia article relates the attack of a thirteen foot bipedal monster which killed several hunters and tore the heads of some, eventually shot by the survivors of the group.
More than 2/3 of the 220 stories are a hundred years old or more. Forty-two states, three Canadian provinces, and a number of other countries are represented in the stories. Wild men were a part of history all over the world, although most of the stories were North American. The timing was just right for wild men to become a very popular news item for the rapidly growing newspaper media in the U.S. and Canada in the 1800s.
Wild Men is e-published and distributed in all major channels of distribution including Smashwords, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Kobo, Sony, and a number others.