Welcome to my blog! Here is the latest news of my recently published books and images of some of my paintings.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
San Francisco Cable Cars Painting-Timelapse
Here is a one minute time lapse video of my latest painting, one of cable cars from a photo I took when we visited San Francisco. The finished painting is posted off to the right.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Finishing Methods - Painting 1
I finally decided to use a toothbrush to apply the lights and shadows in the lower left of Painting 1. I could not use timelapse because I had to lay the canvas horizontally. Then I 'spritzed' wet paint off the toothbrush over/through a template I cut out. This helped to cause a more realistic effect of light and shadows. In both paintings 1 and 2, I took some artistic license in interpreting the scene in terms of light, shadow and color, to some extent. The image of the paintings don't quite capture what I see, IMHO.
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Working on Two Paintings
I am attaching the time-lapse videos to go along with these. The 'almost-finished' paintings are posted in the column to the right. Some painting sessions go really well. It's just so easy. I have something in mind and it translates to the canvas with just modest effort. Other sessions are a prison riot. Something's wrong and I don't know why and I can't correct it. I try and I try and I try. That's what you see on the video. What should be a thirty to forty-five second video turns into a three minute marathon (more like a few hours in real time). I will say that the ultimate result is satisfactory and I always learn something more along the way. If everything was easy I wouldn't be learning.
Both of these paintings are places along where I play golf. A cemetery. A landscape scene. The light was right so I took a picture and am now using them for painting.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Opening of Attleboro Exhibit
Today was the opening reception for the Members' Exhibit at the Attleboro Arts Museum. We got there a little early. I was very impressed with the level of talent and the size of the exhibition. There were 301 pieces entered by 155 artists. I didn't do a count but the areas of photography and oil painting were most well represented. A number of awards were given out. My own thought was that abstract art was well represented in the exhibits but even more represented in the awarded pieces. I believe and my hope is that my membership will allow me to: 1) obtain much more exposure than just my Taunton Art Association membership will provide; and 2) work toward a higher level of excellence in my work.
The number of viewers of my work should increase many fold. The speaker at the awards ceremony indicated that at a prior 4 day showing, 1400 people had gone through the gallery. There is no charge.The exhibit is open almost daily through the end of January. That's a lot of time. I noticed that a sale of one of the paintings had occurred (red spot). I would expect that more will be sold before the end of the show.
The number of viewers of my work should increase many fold. The speaker at the awards ceremony indicated that at a prior 4 day showing, 1400 people had gone through the gallery. There is no charge.The exhibit is open almost daily through the end of January. That's a lot of time. I noticed that a sale of one of the paintings had occurred (red spot). I would expect that more will be sold before the end of the show.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Flatline Virus - Four Stars !!!
My Zombie book, Flatline Virus, is rated 4 stars in the Apple Bookstore, my best selling channel! This is based on 29 reviews. Check it out. Flatline Virus has been on the selling shelves the longest as it is my first book. Check it out.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Third Painting of Season
I've started on three more canvases this morning. I'll be using timelapse video for each. In the meantime, here is my third painting of this winter season. It was a daylight scene that was not coming out like I wanted, so I've turned it into a night scene with better results (IMHO).
Monday, December 9, 2013
Second Painting
This is a limited timelapse for the beginning of my second painting. It's a look down Gulliver Street toward Route 44 at the Segregansett Country Club. The finished painting may be seen at the right.
First Painting of the Season
Here is a timelapse video of the first few days of working on my first painting of the winter. I had a little issue trying to capture the video from an iPad and an iPhone, so it doesn't go to the completion of the painting. I got about half way through before I switched to the iPhone. Anyway, I have the finished painting below. It is a fall season early morning scene at the Segregansett Country Club looking from behind the 17th green back to the tee and 16th fairway and beyond.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
I Joined the Attleboro Arts Museum and Started to Paint Again
Yesterday I joined the Attleboro Arts Museum. They are an active group, having a number of talented artists, a gallery, and a number of events in which I plan to participate. These include exhibits, both juried and other. They have a sophisticated website which has links to member artists and their own websites and work. I'm eager to improve myself and will be able to better gauge my development against artists here as well as in Taunton. The brief look I took of the artists' work through their own websites indicated to me that the level of artistry in Attleboro is more advanced overall than Taunton. Maybe that's unfair because I have not had the opportunity to see much of those in Taunton. There certainly are some talented artists in Taunton. At any rate, this will give me an additional venue in which to have my work exhibited and see.
There is a members only exhibit which is juried later this year. I was told that there will be over 300 works exhibited in this. This compares with 123 in the Taunton Fall Show.
Today was cold. I used some of the day to begin painting. I have chosen 12-15 photos of mine to paint. I am using a time-lapse feature in my iPad to capture the work. I will post the videos of completed works from time to time as I finish them.
There is a members only exhibit which is juried later this year. I was told that there will be over 300 works exhibited in this. This compares with 123 in the Taunton Fall Show.
Today was cold. I used some of the day to begin painting. I have chosen 12-15 photos of mine to paint. I am using a time-lapse feature in my iPad to capture the work. I will post the videos of completed works from time to time as I finish them.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Book News
The golf is slowing down due to the cold weather, as expected. I am resuming work on the book and am now at 32,000 words. There's a seemingly long way to go to finish this story. I've got a bad guy character who is also responsible for the line of the story which deals with the UnZombie theme. UnZombies are dead which have been reanimated but don't bite or spread the infection, well, at least through biting. Our bad guy hero has found a way to gain some functionality out of them. That's all for now.
Painting News
There is an Exhibit at the Taunton Art Association for all ribbon winners of the Fall Art Show. I had two. One was the Best of Show. The judges' comments can be viewed to the right on the card they provided. It said "Contrast of Color/Cohesive...Nice Black and White vs. Color Composition/Dichotomy". The Exhibit goes on through November 24th on Sundays from Noon-2 P.M. at the Art Association building on Williams St. in Taunton (thus Nov 17th and Nov 24th are the last two days).
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Taunton Art Show Concludes - I Had Two Winners (See which ones below)!!! Hint: BEST IN SHOW!!!
The viewing of entries at the 2013 Fall Taunton Art Association's Art Show was held today from 12 Noon to 4 pm. I had four entries. Honestly, I thought I had my best chance with two entries, one called "Beacon Hill", the other "Cobble Hill Night".
I also entered "Key West Pier" and "A Day Night Anomaly", both of which were somewhat favorites of mine. I love Key West (the place) and the pier in particular was a favorite spot of mine with plenty of color, shadows and lines.
The "Day Night Anomaly" was one of a series of experiments I painted of scenes which generated some thought. They included a juxtaposition of day and night, winter and summer, color and lack of color, urban and non-urban.
The show had 123 entries and some really good ones. There were three judges this time who had to reach a consensus on the various entries. It's got to be a tough, although fun and interesting assignment.
I was lucky enough to win two prizes:
BEST OVERALL - "Day Night Anomaly"
(See this painting being created in time-lapse with my video entry below of January 21, 2013)
Second Prize Acrylic - "Cobble Hill Night" I'm happy to see the judges appreciated the creativity in the 'Day Night Anomaly' painting. I left the paintings that won at the Art Association as they will be exhibited there during November. I wasn't able to sell anything (I don't think anyone did). but perhaps I may be lucky enough to at the exhibit in November.
This was BEST IN SHOW.....
I also entered "Key West Pier" and "A Day Night Anomaly", both of which were somewhat favorites of mine. I love Key West (the place) and the pier in particular was a favorite spot of mine with plenty of color, shadows and lines.
The "Day Night Anomaly" was one of a series of experiments I painted of scenes which generated some thought. They included a juxtaposition of day and night, winter and summer, color and lack of color, urban and non-urban.
The show had 123 entries and some really good ones. There were three judges this time who had to reach a consensus on the various entries. It's got to be a tough, although fun and interesting assignment.
I was lucky enough to win two prizes:
BEST OVERALL - "Day Night Anomaly"
(See this painting being created in time-lapse with my video entry below of January 21, 2013)
Second Prize Acrylic - "Cobble Hill Night" I'm happy to see the judges appreciated the creativity in the 'Day Night Anomaly' painting. I left the paintings that won at the Art Association as they will be exhibited there during November. I wasn't able to sell anything (I don't think anyone did). but perhaps I may be lucky enough to at the exhibit in November.
This was BEST IN SHOW.....
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Zombie Book #3
An update.
The current word total is 22,000. Lots more to go. Going through the first edit of what I have. Locales in the book so far include the International Space Station, an US Navy Supercarrier in a Strike Group, Chechnya, and El Paso.
Trescott Street Gallery Exhibit Ended Today
Yup, the exhibit ended. I dropped by the gallery to pick up my painting and was told it had sold about fifteen minutes before I came. It's funny that it took me five minutes to realize it wasn't there. Only my First Place ribbon was hanging on the wall.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Now on Facebook! Search for Gibson's Books and Paintings
Yes, now on Facebook. I'm trying to build the page(s). It will take a while. I want some more photos and some video up there.
Take a look.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
See My Painting Live at the Exhibition of 2013 Spring Taunton Art Show Winners
at the Trescott Street Gallery in Taunton, MA from June 4 - June 15. The Gallery hours for the Exhibit are as follows:
Tuesdays, June 4 & 11 - 12pm to 3pm
Thursdays, June 6 & 13 - 12pm to 3 pm
Saturday, June 8 & 15 - 12pm to 3 pm
Fridays, June 7 & 14 - 5pm to 8pm
The Opening Reception is on Friday, June 7 from 5pm to 8pm.
Come in and see!
Sunday, May 19, 2013
First Prize in Acrylics - 2013 Spring Art Show - Taunton Art Association
The painting to the right won first prize today in the Acrylics category (May 19th) in the Taunton Art Association's 2013 Spring Art Show. I received some nice comments from a number of people who like my style and use of color for my entries.
The judge's written comments were..."Powerful use of design and values. Appropriate use of color for a nocturne."
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Almost 6000 Page Views, Zombies, Painting Business
This is the first month I've gone without a blog entry since I started it in 2011. I'm just finishing up the painting season.
This blog is just short of 6,000 page views, a level I never thought was possible. I'll be looking to increase the momentum of viewing in the near future.
I've begun to assemble some ideas for a sixth book, one with Zombies. The storyline, science, apocalyptic direction and characters are all important aspects, so I want to take some time to have it right.
I have an idea for customer-friendly, modestly-priced painting product. I'll have to do some more marketing research and develop a few samples. This could take a few more months. More to come.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Check Out the New Page - A Gallery of This Winter's Paintings
It's to the right under Pages...then under Home. Click on it and the Gallery of photos of this season's paintings will appear. Thanks for clicking.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Day/Night - Summer/Winter Painting Video
This is a video of the creation of a recent painting in time-lapse form. The part of the painting to the right of the tree (in the middle) is a winter night. To the left is a summer day. Thanks for watching.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
First Review of 'Pulseless Pandemic' is Five Stars!
A review of Pulseless Pandemic on Barnes and Noble shows a five star [*****] rating (nothing written). That explains a recent mini-surge of sales on Barnes and Noble for the book. Love those Zombie thrillers. The book story is as follows...
An African virus, born in the Congo, jumps from the high primates to humans. It demonstrates a 100% kill rate. It didn't stop there. The dead rise to feed on the living. Some interesting sub-stories develop, including a Paris flight with an infected pilot; a Big Easy 'bushmeat' dinner; a ship traveling to the Bahamas with infected items; a sick U.S. Senator determined to reach his home in the D.C. area; and a buffet of ape meat flown in to the U.S. from Kinshasa in the Congo. Each has a common theme. The living are just trying to survive, find refuge, and survive assaults. The violence unravels into an apocalyptic ending where a cure is available, but the end may or may not be.
An African virus, born in the Congo, jumps from the high primates to humans. It demonstrates a 100% kill rate. It didn't stop there. The dead rise to feed on the living. Some interesting sub-stories develop, including a Paris flight with an infected pilot; a Big Easy 'bushmeat' dinner; a ship traveling to the Bahamas with infected items; a sick U.S. Senator determined to reach his home in the D.C. area; and a buffet of ape meat flown in to the U.S. from Kinshasa in the Congo. Each has a common theme. The living are just trying to survive, find refuge, and survive assaults. The violence unravels into an apocalyptic ending where a cure is available, but the end may or may not be.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Sales Channel Results for 2011-2012
Here is the breakdown of my book sales by distribution channel for the last two years:
Apple - 41%
Amazon - 34%
Barnes & Noble - 22%
Other - 4% (Kobo, Sony, Smashwords)
Results are rounded. Apple's percentage dropped, mostly at the hands of Barnes and Noble. Apple still remains my largest outlet for sales. It probably won't surprise anyone that the two Zombie books represent 80% of the total.
Apple - 41%
Amazon - 34%
Barnes & Noble - 22%
Other - 4% (Kobo, Sony, Smashwords)
Results are rounded. Apple's percentage dropped, mostly at the hands of Barnes and Noble. Apple still remains my largest outlet for sales. It probably won't surprise anyone that the two Zombie books represent 80% of the total.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Here's a collage of some of my paintings this winter so far..
Off to the right, you'll see a collage of eight of my paintings this winter so far..and it's not over yet. I should have well over a dozen by March or April. I just received permission to paint a scene I really like, so that will be next.
With regard to book sales, the figures for 2012 are almost in. I can see that Apple will continue to lead the pack over Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel, etc. Barnes & Noble is making an international push and I can see some results even this early. When I receive final totals in a couple weeks, I'll publish percentages from each sales channel.
Flatline Virus, my first book, a Zombie thriller, continues to lead the rest. Be sure to go to the Apple bookstore (the link is a few lines down on the column to the right) to check it out. It is four star based on the reviews of 29 reviewers. If you like guns, I pay attention to these in the story (check out one of the reviews). That's how our heroes defend themselves, although not only from the undead.
2013 will be rougher on independent authors as there will be more competition...i.e. many more books written, published and ready to read and only so much demand. One good thing is that digital books and reading on digital devices will take over hard and soft cover books this next year.
With regard to book sales, the figures for 2012 are almost in. I can see that Apple will continue to lead the pack over Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Sony, Kobo, Diesel, etc. Barnes & Noble is making an international push and I can see some results even this early. When I receive final totals in a couple weeks, I'll publish percentages from each sales channel.
Flatline Virus, my first book, a Zombie thriller, continues to lead the rest. Be sure to go to the Apple bookstore (the link is a few lines down on the column to the right) to check it out. It is four star based on the reviews of 29 reviewers. If you like guns, I pay attention to these in the story (check out one of the reviews). That's how our heroes defend themselves, although not only from the undead.
2013 will be rougher on independent authors as there will be more competition...i.e. many more books written, published and ready to read and only so much demand. One good thing is that digital books and reading on digital devices will take over hard and soft cover books this next year.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Newest Painting on Video - Two minutes time-lapse!
This is a time-lapse video of my latest painting from beginning to end in two minutes. I've also included a written, running commentary as I paint. Like I admit on YouTube, it's not necessarily a how-to instructional video, but I always think it's useful to watch how someone else paints, i.e. doing something I can learn from or seeing how they 'fix' things. I know I make mistakes. The learning comes in having to fix the mistakes, make adjustments, sometimes painting over whole areas. Compared to where I was three years ago when I started, I feel like I've come a ways.
I paint in acrylic usually, but not always landscapes. I'm enthralled with lighting and the effect it has on the painting. I'll use sponges, fan brushes, my finger, a paper towel, anything to get the effect I'm looking for.
Thanks for watching.
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