Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Alien Contact : Titan is Published on Barnes and Noble

Smashwords has sent the ebook through its channels and Alien Contact : Titan now is published in the Barnes and Noble online bookstore. I'm waiting for it to appear in Apple, my biggest retail seller. It is showing, of course, on Amazon, since I publish directly to Amazon.  If it hasn't shown up in Kobo, Diesel, and Sony, it will soon.

My fourth book is in process, about half way through the first draft. It is a ZOMBIE book. You can follow the number of words I produced on a daily basis by the little graphic to the right - see Word Count with the number and date (as of date).

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Book #4 (Zombie Book) Status

Well, this is fun. That is, writing about the beginning of the virus that would set the world in motion. So far, I've written 4100 words and cruising along. I do like to present a plausible scenario, so I try to get everything reasonably accurate with the setting, geography, and facts surrounding a hypothetical viral pandemic.

More to come...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

I'm Working on Book #4. It's a Zombie Book.

I didn't expect to start on this one so soon. I was researching some of the material I'll need. I like to know how the zombie thing started in my books, so that's where I'm starting. I won't say anything more than that about the plot or subject right now. I have 800+ words so far which is just a drop in the bucket.